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Who we are

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We use the information you submit on our forms to discern the services you require and to contact you.


To opt out of all or certain cookies, visit this page. It provides a comprehensive list of 3rd party integrations which collect data. This page is automatically updated with new information as software and content is updated and adjusted on our website. Please note, if you do opt-out of everything, certain areas such as Google Maps will cease to function.

Google Maps

We use Google Map embed code on our website to serve maps to you for our locations and the location of cemeteries and funeral homes with which we partner. Google is notorious for keeping track of your IP address. This is the way of the world in which we all live and operate. Rest assured that information is not kept by us but by Google.

Images & Logos

Images and logos on our website belong to us or represent cemeteries and funeral homes with which we partner. Our website visitors, like you, can use these images for reverse image searches on search engines. This does not affect you unless you decide to do a reverse image search on a search engine like Google, Bing, Yahoo, Yandex, and others – and then they will track your IP address. If you don’t want them to track you, then adjust the settings on the browser that you use.

Thank you for reading our Privacy Policy

Most people don’t take the time, so we tried to make it simple, quick, and get right to the point. We appreciate you.